Judge Eghart Is Dead
Country Judge Leopold Eghart died at his home in the city on Wednesday afternoon at 4:45 o’clock, after an illness of only four days. He attended to his official duties as usual on Saturday last, but said to friends that he was not feeling very well. On Monday he was so much indisposed that he remained at home, although he transacted business with attorneys and others who called. But that evening his condition became rapidly worse and by Tuesday afternoon he had lost consciousness. He neve
r rallied and passed peacefully to, everlasting rest on the following day.
Judge Eghart was a man of sterling worth and unimpeachable character, and a faithful public servant for more than a quarter of a century. The high esteem in which he was universally held was shown at the recent election, when in spite of his advanced years and inability to make an active canvass, he was reelected over three opponents by a vote nearly as large as their combined vote.
The funeral will be held this (Saturday) afternoon at three o’clock under the auspices of the Masonic lodge, of which the deceased was a member.
Judge Leopold Eghart was born in Austria in 1824; emigrated to the United States in 1849 and engaged in the mercantile business at Newburg, which he carried on for about a year. In the fall, of 1850 he
came to Port Washington and worked in Goldsmith’s store as bookkeeper, with whom he remained until 1859, when he was elected, Clerk of the Court. The office he held one term, when he again entered Goldsmiths employ. In 1867 he went to Cedarburg and in partnership with Fred Horneffer engaged in the mercantile business, which was continued until 1875 when Mr. Eghart retired from the firm. In 1877 he was elected County Judge, which office he held continuously up to the time of his death.
He is survived by one son, Albert, and four daughters, Mrs. E.B. Bostwick, Mrs. Meta Douglas, Emily and Elsa.
Port Washington Star – April 20, 1901
When Judge Eghart died, the undertaker would have come to the house and prepare for the wake. With the help of James and Ruthann Augustine, Milwaukee Area Technical College-Funeral Service Department, Lighthouse Florist in Saukville and Kristen and Pat at the Poole Funeral Home we were able to transform the house to illustrate the Judge’s wake in July of 2011.