2024 EXHIBIT: May 25 – August 31, 2024. Victorian dresses, hats, accessories, and sewing trends.
Art of Elinor Thien
2023 EXHIBIT: May 27 – September 2, 2023. We are bringing back “The Art of ElinorThien” that was one of our displays in 2014. Port Washingtonartist Elinor Thien, whose father founded the village ofThiensville, was a prolific artist as well as iconoclast. Her lifestory is inspirational, and we are lucky to be able to share […]
Judge Eghart House is 150 years old.
2022 Exhibit: May 28 – September 3. Architecture of a front gabled Victorian Cottage is highlighted. Open house September 10, 1-4. Judge Eghart House is 150 years old. Built in 1872 by Louis Teed for his brother Byron.
50:Years As A Museum
2021 EXHIBIT: May 29 – September 4. 50 Years Revisited. 2020 EXHIBIT: June 20 – September 5, Judge Eghart House 50 years as a museum. Guided tours and the history of the museum on display.
Everything Old is New Again
2019 EXHIBIT: May 25 – August 31. Trends are certainly cyclical. Today’s younger generations, hipsters, and innovators reach back into the past for inspiration on the present. We are going to feature popular current movements, like: • Farm to table/Locavore • Facial hair fashions and • Home schooling to list a few, that were part […]
Secret Language of Fans
2018 EXHIBIT: May 26 – September 1. Both men and women understood the “language of the fan” and used it to communicate some very private sentiments while in the midst of some very public places.
Victorian Pastimes
2017 EXHIBIT: May 28 – September 3. Victorian Family Fun! The exhibit features Victorian style games, from Parcheesi to Blindman’s Bluff!
Eghart Family Items on Display
2016 EXHIBIT: MAY 29- SEPTEMBER 4. Visitors have always been curious about the provenance of items in the house. Whether the objects are furniture, clothing, books, china, or pictures, original Eghart family items were identified in each room.
Victorian Christmas
2015 EXHIBITS: JULY 19 – SEPTEMBER 5. Christmas in July (and beyond) at the Judge Eghart House. Celebrate quaint Victorian traditions. From the music, to the toys, to the decorations, take a trip back in the happiest season of all!
Victorian Textiles
2015 EXHIBITS: MAY 24- JULY 12. Whether the beauty and intricacy of hand-sewn quilts grabs your attention, or you are curious about what Victorian clothing looks like, this special display had something for everyone. The display about textiles featured a quilt turning.